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Stages of Intermittent Fasting: What’s Going on in Your Body?

Stages Of Intermittent Fasting

The stages of Intermittent Fasting describe the metabolic state your body goes through during the fasting and eating intervals.

Intermittent Fasting is perhaps best defined as a “nutritional strategy”, aimed at weight loss. The characteristics are the periods of fasting and feeding. It is not a “diet,” as we are used to, but finding an ideal time to eat. This puts your body through different metabolic states.

For several years, nutritionists were against this method because it posed several risks to the human body. Not everyone can use this strategy freely, ideally under the supervision of an expert.

However, with experience over time, they now realize that the benefits are remarkable and that it is worth implementing this nutritional plan. The metabolic impact of food alternation is obvious and beneficial if we know and make the most of each of its stages.

Watch this great explanation video about “How Intermittent Fasting Affects Your Body and Brain”

(Source: TechInsider, Youtube)

Stages of Intermittent Fasting

1. Hypoglycemic Stage

stages of intermittent fastingThe key to Intermittent Fasting is the stage where you stop eating. Initially, the body uses the glucose reserves in your liver and muscles to circulate in the blood.

As your blood glucose levels drop, you will experience some symptoms such as unsteadiness, dizziness or drowsiness. Our body will try to avoid this state from the lysis of glycogen and the new production of glucose.

If glycogen is not enough, we will secrete some other hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, to increase energy production. Usually, once we get used to the Intermittent Fasting, the symptoms usually decrease.

2. Ketogenic Stage

intermittent fasting stagesThis is perhaps the key to Intermittent Fasting. At this stage, the body has exhausted the glucose, both circulating and stored in the liver and muscles in glycogen. It opts for other sources of energy.

Energy starts obtaining from fat, after various metabolic processes that occur in the liver. This causes some by-products known as ketone bodies. These help as a substrate to continue with our functions, but also cause direct and indirect effects on our body.

This is the secret to weight loss. We take energy from fat and therefore burn it at an excellent rate.

3. Final Stage

stages of intermittent fasting by hourThe last stage has to do with the adaptation that our body shows to the Intermittent changes. Like everything else, we are a race that comes from evolution and has grown through that: adaptation. This case is no exception.

Hormone levels regulate more easily once we have two weeks under our Intermittent Fasting. In addition, the benefits manifest, which helps to improve our health status while we are under this nutritional strategy.

It is essential to mention that the regulation on fat levels also has an effect. Not only will we be able to observe this effect through weight loss, but also indirect side benefits: improved heart function (less atherosclerosis or cholesterol plaques) and better processing of harmful cholesterol.


Many people find it hard to fast for a certain time. 16 hours without food can be long, especially if your body is not used to. But it is essential to put your body through the different stages of intermittent fasting and benefit from that.

To make it easier, you can test with supplements like BCAA. This also improves recovery after training, if you exercise during your intermittent fasting.

Daniel Schabron

Hi, I'm Daniel! What started for me with trying to lose the last few pounds hsa now turned into a passion of finding the best ways to keep the body healthy and slim.

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